Webots for nao
Webots for nao

webots for nao webots for nao

You can apply these modifications anycodings_webots directly in your anycodings_webots WEBOTS_HOME/projects/robots/softbank/nao/protos/Nao.proto anycodings_webots file: diff -git a/projects/robots/softbank/nao/protos/Nao.proto b/projects/robots/softbank/nao/protos/Nao.proto This cause strong anycodings_webots internal forces and so weird collisions anycodings_webots with floors. The anycodings_webots boundingObjects (defining the anycodings_webots collisions) of the touch sensors overlap anycodings_webots the feet bodies.

webots for nao

This is due to a bug in the Nao.proto anycodings_webots definition in the Webots resources. changed world contact anycodings_nao-robot material from 'NAO material' to 'NAO foot anycodings_nao-robot material' but this caused the robot to be anycodings_nao-robot lost in the world (completely disappeared anycodings_nao-robot from view) anycodings_nao-robot lower CFM (although this doesn't seem to anycodings_nao-robot hold because when I save the world file, it anycodings_nao-robot resets to 1e-05) Kristjan Arumae, Sarah Myhre, Chris Cassian Olschewski.

#Webots for nao simulator

lower basicTimeStep to a value in anycodings_nao-robot range [1, 8) 1 The NAO Soccer Robots Implementing soccer behaviors in the Webots simulator for NAO robots. Other things that I have tried (but did not anycodings_nao-robot help): In all cases, once anycodings_nao-robot the NAO's selfCollision is set to TRUE, the anycodings_nao-robot robot stinks into the floor when I start the anycodings_nao-robot simulation.Ĭan anyone provide me with some insight into anycodings_nao-robot what the problem is? For the anycodings_nao-robot floor material, I have tried a plane, a box, anycodings_nao-robot a regular floor, etc. I am having trouble with my NAO robot anycodings_nao-robot sinking into the webots floor.

Webots for nao